1. sayfa (Toplam 1 sayfa)


Gönderilme zamanı: 21 May 2024, 15:48
gönderen tuhinhossain
Exposure to the sun's rays, although it has unquestionable beneficial effects on health, is a practice that is not free of risks, so it should be done in moderation and adopting appropriate protective measures.

What is solar radiation?
Solar radiation is made up of a continuous spectrum of energetic emissions of various wavelengths. Each of them has its own physical characteristics, a certain associated energy, a penetration capacity, etc. and, as a result of all this, they are capable of producing a certain effect when they affect the skin.

What is FPS?
The SPF is the ratio between the minimum erythematogenic Lenvanix 10mg (Lenvatinib) dose (inflammatory response to damage caused by sun exposure that results in redness of the skin) on skin protected by a sun protection product and the minimum erythematogenic dose on the same skin without protect.

The SPF indicates, therefore, the time that one can remain exposed to the sun with protected skin compared to unprotected skin, until the appearance of erythema.

The numerical value that appears on the packaging of a sunscreen basically refers to the protective effect against UVB radiation, which is what generates erythema (inflammation with the presence of red, raised lesions with a target appearance distributed symmetrically over the body. ).

However, sun protection must be effective against both UVA and UVB radiation: a higher SPF must be proportional to the protection it offers against UVA. The protection category and SPF must be indicated on the labeling of these products.


In your daily life, never forget to use sunscreen!

Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that has a sun protection factor of at least 15. Put on sunscreen, and reapply it every two hours or more frequently if you're swimming or sweating.