Couple Rings are two rings that you wear throughout your life to represent your love and commitment. How do you choose wedding bands Which one is the best? Who should you buy them for when? This article will assist you in making the right decision.
How to select the wedding ring The wedding ring: Traditions and timing
Who decides on Couple Sets wedding bands?
The couple chooses the wedding rings. The two rings must have the identical shape, color, and size. They should also be something that they each like, since they will wear them for the rest of their lives.
Who pays for wedding ring costs?
In accordance with tradition wedding ceremonies, the groom may purchase the wedding ring or both spouses, or the witnesses. The cost of a wedding ring is contingent on the type of material used, the size (and weight) of the ring, and the quality of the ring.
When do you need to buy?
The wedding rings should be bought a few weeks prior to the wedding. This gives the potential brides to choose the one that is the most appropriate for their respective personalities, and also gives the jeweler time to design the ring. (Usually it is the date and the name of your spouse or, alternatively, symbols or dedications to love).
How to select wedding bands: types and models
Wedding bands made of yellow gold are the most common choice. However in recent years white or rose wedding bands made of gold have gained popularity with those who don't enjoy yellow gold, or prefer something different from the traditional.
Gioielli di Valenza has a wide selection of wedding rings to choose from.
Classic: They consist of a single circle without any further work for those who prefer simple, minimalist designs.
Mantovane is similar to traditional rings, but slightly higher and wider.
It is a wedding band that is thin that has an outside that is slightly rounded. This style is favored by those who aren't typically wearing rings.
Comfortable: Their primary feature is their rounded design with an internal design that allows wedding rings to be worn more comfortably.
Special: In gold worked that gives a beautiful light to the wedding band.
Diamond: Their primary characteristic is the facets that are present on the band that reminds you of the diamond's surface.
Rosary: They feature an engraving of a cross in the band, and protrusions that surround them, which remind you of the beads of the Rosary.
These wedding rings are distinguished by their delicate interweavings, subtle gold hues and a variety of shades.
The tiny diamond, which symbolizes the unbreakable bond between the couple, is among the unique features of these wedding rings.
Make sure to consult with an expert when selecting the rings you'll wear for the duration of your life. They are a sign of your relationship. Explore our entire collection in our online store or in our jewelry stores across Italy.
How do you choose the right wedding bands?
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