Body image changes throughout life . The diagnosis of cancer and its treatments represent a change in many areas of the life of the person who faces it, and one of them may also be in their physical appearance.
Body image and cancer: “I look in the mirror and I don't recognize myself”
Body image is the perception we have of our physical appearance. In our society, physical appearance has an important weight in the perception we have of ourselves .
This aspect is also part of our identity, therefore, adapting to Tofacent 5mg (Tofacitinib) new changes can take time in which it is possible for emotions such as anger , sadness or worries to appear.
The weight that each person gives to these changes is something very personal and subjective . Furthermore, the degree of importance that we attribute to them can also vary throughout the oncological process .
However, there are various factors that can contribute to making the psychological discomfort or discomfort generated by these alterations more difficult to accept, such as, for example, the reversibility of these changes (whether they are temporary or chronic); their location (since they can be found in visible areas); or if they affect any functionality of the body.
Sometimes, concern about physical appearance is not entirely shared by family and friends . What worries them most is that their family member/friend is cured and not so much the impact that the disease may have on their body. Despite this, concern about physical appearance is totally understandable and normal , given that it has been an unwanted and unexpected change. In addition, it can be an important emotional aspect in the process of facing the disease .
How can I cope with changes in my body image?
These are some guidelines that may be useful to face the changes that the disease generates in our body image :
Focus on aspects you like about your body when you are in front of the mirror .
Accept yourself . Accepting does not mean that we are okay with these changes or that we agree with them. Accepting means stopping trying to make these changes disappear, that is, assuming that, at least for a time, they will be part of us. However, that doesn't mean we like them.
Express yourself . It's normal to be worried about changes in your body image and want to say so.
Say clearly how you feel . Express your disagreement when your family or friends downplay these changes. Everything can be said politely, using the right words.
Try new styles of clothing . Maybe now may be the time to change your dressing style.
Body image during cancer
Eglenelim birazda degilmi? Fikralar. Komik resimler. Karikaturler.. Hikayeler. Guzel Yazilar.
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Konulari uygun basliklar altinda yayinlamaya ozen gosterelim. Ornek =Fikra ise fikrada Siirse siir bolumunde
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- Kayıt: 31 May 2024, 07:23
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