Balancing promotional and value-added content in SMS marketing

Uyum sinavi belediye sinavini kazandikdan sonra yapilmasi gerekenler.. Vize islemleri

Moderatörler: sansli, xmultecix

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Mesajlar: 1
Kayıt: 10 Eyl 2024, 04:48
Turkiye_Sehir: Ankara
Yabanci_Ulke: Netherlands

Balancing promotional and value-added content in SMS marketing

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While promotional content can drive sales and conversions, it's essential to provide value-added content to keep customers engaged and loyal. Here's how to strike the right balance:

1. Offer valuable information:
Tips & Tricks: Share helpful advice about your products or services.
Industry News: Inform customers about industry trends or developments.
Behind-the-scenes content: Give customers an inside look at your business.
2. Personalized recommendations:
Product suggestions: Recommend products based on customer preferences or past purchases.
Event Recommendations: Suggest events or workshops that align with customer interests.
3. Exclusive Content:
Early access: Offer early Peru Mobile Phone Number List access to new products, sales or events.
Members Only Content: Provide exclusive content for loyal customers.
4. Customer involvement:
Surveys and polls: Collect customer feedback and improve your offers.
Contests and Giveaways: Encourage customer participation and engagement.
5. Timely and relevant content:


Seasonal Promotions: Offer seasonal discounts or promotions.
Event reminders: Send reminders about upcoming events or meetings.
6. Use a 2:1 ratio:
Rule of thumb: For every promotional message, send two value-added messages. This helps maintain balance and prevents customers from feeling overwhelmed.
7. Performance Monitoring:
Engagement measurement: Analyze open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to evaluate the effectiveness of your content.
Adjust strategy: Use insights to refine your content strategy and better meet customer needs.


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